" Key Technologies of 5G-A and 6G"related to papers

Abstract:As the infrastructure in the field of information and communication, 5G communication base station meets people's basic needs for daily call and traffic use. In response to the national "3060" dual-carbon strategy, the communication base station needs to change the traditional power supply mode, introduce green energy such as photovoltaic system and energy storage battery, and realize the "green, energy-saving and low-carbon" development. Under different power conditions, how to plan photovoltaic and energy storage configuration has become an important research direction in the field of information and communication. This paper innovates the simulated photovoltaic function model, explores the optimal method of light storage configuration under different power conditions, innovates the charging and discharging method of optical storage system, and realizes the maximum benefit of green energy application.

Abstract:This paper establishes a millimeter-wave channel model for unmanned aerial vehicles based on line-of-sight probability using the ray tracing method, and a double-slope model analysis is carried out for path loss. This paper describes the modeling process of line-of-sight probability and carries out model parameter analysis. Due to the influence of terrain occlusion and other environments, the reflection and bypassing paths with large losses cause the received strength of the signal to fluctuate greatly before and after the mutation point, which makes the single-slope fit model no longer applicable. Therefore, this paper uses linear regression to fit the single-slope and double-slope received power models to the simulation data under two types of terrain, and analyzes the fitting effect of the two models. The results show that the dual-slope received power model fits better than the single-slope model, and the two models have higher fitting accuracy when the terrain is more flatten.

Abstract:As an important component of 6G communication technology, the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) distributed satellite network can achieve high-speed transmission and low-latency communication, and meet the high-speed and low-latency requirements of 6G communication technology. This paper addresses the networking method of LEO distributed satellite networks. The routing algorithms of the satellite network are summarized. A joint routing algorithm based on bandwidth and delay is proposed, and three different routing algorithms are implemented to select. It is found that the performance of each algorithm is obviously different. The experimental results show that the joint algorithm based on bandwidth and delay can better balance the network load and reduce the delay while selecting the best path, and improve the transmission efficiency of satellite network.

Abstract:The 5G era is approaching with the gradual increase in deployment density of 5G devices, the cost price is too high from the perspective of simply increasing the deployment of macro base stations. On the other hand, the demand for personalized of 5G to B and to C is gradually increasing. In response to the issues of 5G frequency band heightening, penetrate walls ability reducing and personalized requirements increasing, 5G integrated small base stations has emerged, gradually improving its effectiveness in the field of supplement to blindness and heat. Pointing at the issue of communication difficulties in water operation, a new network method based on CPE is proposed. This method is easy to install and cost-effective, which can greatly meet the needs of users and be widely promoted.